Now taking orders for T-Shirts!

Boondock Tactical T-shirts are in, and we are taking orders! Here’s what they look like. If you would like to order please send us a message. Price for M-XL will be $15. XXL will be $16 and XXXL will be $17 (Plus applicable sales tax).

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Virginia Murders

I’m sure by now most of you have heard about the murder of two TV reporters in Virginia. We send our prayers to the families of the victims.

Against my better judgement I watched the video. Without going into graphic details, the gunman walked up to within a couple feet of his victims and raised his gun. It appeared the victims had no idea he was there. He lowered his gun, then raised it again and began firing. Nobody even looked his way until the first shot was fired. The victims were completely oblivious to his presence, and it appeared on the video that there was nobody else close by at the time.

Sadly, two more innocent lives have been destroyed by an evil man. I don’t care about motive. I am not concerned in the least as to why he did what he did. It’s just not relevant. What I am concerned with is that there are still people who live in the same world as you and I that still believe evil does not exist. It’s real, and it does not discriminate.

Maintaining your situational awareness at condition yellow is a must at all times. We talk about it in class, and we will be talking about it even more. Be aware of your surroundings and who you share them with. Don’t allow yourself to be surprised by anyone. It can’t be stressed enough, as again we have seen another example of the fact that we alone are responsible for our own safety and security.

I would love to see a time when we won’t be hearing about stories such as this one, but until that day comes we must be ready and aware. Always be prepared. Always stay vigilant. Always keep your family and yourself safe. Nobody else will do it for you.


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CCW/FOID/UUW Modifications

SB 836 has been signed into law.  Here is a summary compiled by the Illinois State Rifle Association:

SB 836 contains the following changes:

Firearms Concealed Carry Act:

1. Limits the waiver of privacy rights regarding the concealed carry application to only those records pertinent to obtaining a concealed carry license.

2. Clarifies that if a concealed carry licensee presents their ICCL during a law enforcement investigative stop that it is presumed they are carrying a firearm.

3. Clarifies the definition of a “mental disability” as it pertains to persons seeking a concealed carry license.

4. Eliminates the requirement that a licensee unload his or her firearm when storing or retrieving a firearm from the trunk of their vehicle. (Parking lot exemption)

5. Provides that Emergency Service personnel may ask anyone lawfully carrying a firearm to secure the firearm for the duration of the contact.

6. Changes mental health reporting requirements.


7. Allows the use of a concealed carry license when purchasing firearms or ammunition.

8. Allows concealed carry licensees to possess firearms and ammunition without being in physical possession of their FOID card.

9. Changes the FOID Act to ensure that non-resident competitors may purchase firearms and ammunition at events held at the World Shooting Complex.

Criminal Code:

10. Eliminates a contradiction between Concealed Carry Act and the criminal definition of unlawful use of weapon.

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CCW/FOID/UUW Modifications

Governor Rauner has signed SB 836 into law.  SB 836 contains the following changes:

Firearms Concealed Carry Act:

1. Limits the waiver of privacy rights regarding the concealed carry application to only those records pertinent to obtaining a concealed carry license.

2. Clarifies that if a concealed carry licensee presents their ICCL during a law enforcement investigative stop that it is presumed they are carrying a firearm.

3. Clarifies the definition of a “mental disability” as it pertains to persons seeking a concealed carry license.

4. Eliminates the requirement that a licensee unload his or her firearm when storing or retrieving a firearm from the trunk of their vehicle. (Parking lot exemption)

5. Provides that Emergency Service personnel may ask anyone lawfully carrying a firearm to secure the firearm for the duration of the contact.

6. Changes mental health reporting requirements.


7. Allows the use of a concealed carry license when purchasing firearms or ammunition.

8. Allows concealed carry licensees to possess firearms and ammunition without being in physical possession of their FOID card.

9. Changes the FOID Act to ensure that non-resident competitors may purchase firearms and ammunition at events held at the World Shooting Complex.

Criminal Code:

10. Eliminates a contradiction between Concealed Carry Act and the criminal definition of unlawful use of weapon.

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Charleston, SC Shootings

I just read a report on the shootings in Charleston. Nine people lost their lives when a gunman walked into a church and opened fire. I can’t begin to describe the feelings I have…..anger at the shooter, sorrow for the victims and their families, frustration towards a society where events such as this still occur on an all-too-frequent basis.

We talk in our classes about mindset, planning ahead, and refusing to be a victim. There will be those who will say this tragedy could have been prevented with stricter gun laws. My response…..murder has been illegal for centuries, and there are already over 22,000 gun laws on the books. You cannot legislate morality, or decency, or respect for your fellow man. No amount of laws will make an evil person good. Race means nothing…..we are all God’s children.

No matter how many laws are passed, or how much hand-wringing is done in the media, or by the politicians…. No matter how many people stand in front of a microphone calling for justice, this is what I know….we are all solely responsible for our own defense, and the defense of our families. We owe it to ourselves to always be vigilant, always be aware, and always be ready to protect our own lives and those of our families from those who seek to perpetrate evil unchecked.

The bottom line is this…..there are evil people in this world. I pray none of us ever has an encounter with one….but if we do, we should be ready to defend our lives if necessary. Refuse to be a victim.


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Mobile Training

10257319_391968360982862_8337965030214375963_oWe just finished a 16 hour private CCW class.  If you want us to come to your location to do a class just let us know.  We need a classroom big enough for chairs and tables, and a suitable location to shoot.  Round up some of your friends and family and give us a shout.  Our prices are extremely reasonable, and the training you will receive is top notch.  E-mail us at for more information.

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Update April 15, 2015

We finished our third class this year last weekend.  We are off to a good start, with several more classes scheduled.  Check out our “Events” page, or our facebook page, “Boondock Tactical” for more info.  We now have the ability to go mobile.  If you want us to put on a class and you have suitable classroom and shooting facilities, we can come to you.  Send us a note for more info.

We hope to see you at the Spring Home & Outdoor Expo at Big Racks Steakhouse in Canton, IL on April 19.  We will be there from 11am to 3pm.  The first five people who sign up for a class, and pay a $25 deposit will receive a coupon good for $20 off.  Also, we will be donating two $50 gift certificates.  These will be auctioned off to benefit the Spoon River Pregnancy Resource Center.  Please come and support a worthy cause.


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Spring Home & Outdoor Expo April 19, 2015

Come see us at the Spring Home & Outdoor Expo at Big Rack’s Steakhouse in Canton on April 19 from 11am until 3pm. We will have a booth set up to help with the fundraiser for the Spoon River Pregnancy Resource Center also located in Canton. We will be donating class coupons to be auctioned, and we might have a special or two for those who stop by. Hope to see you then!

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April 11-12 IL CCW Class

Our next 16 hour IL CCW class is scheduled for April 11-12, 2015.  If you’re interested, give us a call or send an E-mail to

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2015 Schedule

Boondock Tactical’s 2015 schedule is now posted on the “Events” page.  We have Illinois CCW classes scheduled through September, and will most likely add an October and early November date in the future.  We have two NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home classes, and one NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home class scheduled, as well.  The Personal Protection Classes are not meant for first-time handgun shooters, and are more intense than our basic classes, and involve more live fire exercises.  The Inside the Home classes are open to individuals who hold either an NRA Basic Pistol Certificate, an IL CCW Certificate, or individuals who can show documentation of previous handgun training.  The NRA requires persons to attend Inside the Home before they can attend Personal Protection Outside the Home.  The fees for the NRA Personal Protection classes are $75.  We also have a couple dates set aside to do an NRA Basic Rifle or Shotgun class if there is enough interest.  Send us an E-mail or give us a call for more info.


Don’t forget to “like” our facebook page, “Boondock Tactical“.

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